Will wudhu be permissible if gargling is left out?

Question ID: 23870

Asalamu alykum a question was asked regarding wudhu that if gargling is left out is it allowed (question 1038) where mufti saheb stated that if gargling is left out than the wudhu will not be valid…just to make sure but isnt gargling not one of the faraaidh of wudhu but rather a fardh of ghusl?the question was asked long ago but i only came across it now so dont know if maybe it was clarified already…jazakallah

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Asked on August 4, 2010 12:00 am
Private answer

To gargle the mouth in Wudhu is Sunnat, but Fardh in ghusl.

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Answered on August 4, 2010 12:00 am