Wife uttered words of kufr unintentionally;nikaah

Question ID: 32072

Asalaamu Alaykum Mufti Saheb,

This query is on behalf of a friend who is in a severe state, in his own words:

I have been accepted for Hajj and my wife was not, on receiving this news my wife became very depressed and disappointed and expressed some words of anger directed at Allah. She did repent soon after realizing her mistake and asked for forgiveness however out of deep concern she feels there were words of kufr and recited her Shahaadah again. Does this affect the status of our Nikah?

Please advise

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Asked on August 22, 2014 4:47 pm
Private answer

As long as we do not know the actual words, no finite ruling can be made. If she feels for sure that the words she used were kufr in nature then re-new the Nikaah. It is best to do so.

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Answered on August 22, 2014 4:47 pm