Wife asking for own house as that was agreed upon at the begnning

Question ID: 31991

I have been married for 3 and a half years and my husband and I both work. We are currently staying with my mother in law and brother in law (who is In his 20s) as we could not afford a place of our own when we got married and my husband felt that it is his responsibility to look after his mother as his father has passed away. At the time of the nikaah I agreed to this arrangement as a short term one since we were not financially secure. The understanding was that we would look for a place of our own when we were ready. Now that we can afford it and have started a family I would like a house of my own. But my husband refuses to leave his mother and brother. I feel that this is unfair as my mother in law is financially independent and has 3 other children (2 sons and 1 daughter) who should also assist in caring for her. The situation is placing a strain on my marriage as I feel that my husband and I need our space without interference from his mother and family. Am I wrong to ask for my own house? Is my husband obligated to fulfil my request? Bear in mind that I currently contribute to the financial expenses at home.


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Asked on September 5, 2014 3:05 pm
Private answer

The Shariat does not encourage women working. The financial expenses of the house should be covered by the husband who is supposed to be the sole bread winner. A wife is entitled to her own home if her husband can afford one. If he cannot, then total and proper privacy must be afforded to the wife in the current situation.

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Answered on September 5, 2014 3:05 pm