What can be read for very bad headaches

Question ID: 38420

as-salaam – u – alaikum wa rahmatullah hi wa baraktuhu.
Dearest Muftie Saheb.
I am so sorry & ask for maaf that i had to trouble you, i know you are extremely busy & you have to help out on so many people’s questions for you to answer.May Allah reward you in abundance for all your help.
I have these horrible horrible headaches where it gets to a point of me actually getting someone to punch onto my head to ease the pain & let blood flow again through my head, is there anything in particular a Verse in The Quran that I can read everytime I feel this headache coming on?

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Asked on January 1, 1970 12:00 am
Private answer

Increase reading Durood. Hold head and read Ya Salamu.

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Answered on January 1, 1970 12:00 am