Trust in Allah

Question ID: 38878

Slm Mufti,

I have been committing sins most of my life, for a few years now i am reforming, however as much time i spend in taubah, duah, salaah, jamaat, taaleem, etc i still feel very despondent, i worry and stress that i am not forgiven, i worry and stress that i am not doing enough for deen etc, this worry and concern wont leave me!

1) My trust in Allah is weak. How do i strengthen this?

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Asked on March 3, 2009 12:00 am
Private answer

Once you make sincere Taubah, place the matter in Allaah's court, have full yaqeen that he is all forgiving.
Do not be despondent.

Read 'Hasbunallaah wa Ni mal Wakeel.....' till end 500 x daily - 100 x after evey Salaat

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Answered on March 3, 2009 12:00 am