Remarrying after Divorcing Wife 3 Times

Question ID: 15415

AsSalamalikum Mufti, please I do apologise for my ignorance and as a Muslim who wants to do the right thing, I recently in a state of confusion and hastiness gave my second wife 3 talaaqs which I now regret: does one fix this?
2.I read that in order for her to accept me back she needs to remarry and then get divorced, I am trying to understand this part can Mufti please explain to me why is this so?

Jzk and ALLAH reward you for your wisdom and advices.

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Asked on August 3, 2015 9:50 am
Private answer

1) The Talaaq has fallen. She has to marry another after her Iddat.
When she is subsequently divorced then after sitting for Iddat she can marry you once again.

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Answered on August 11, 2015 3:33 pm