Talaaq with indirect words and no intention of divorce

Question ID: 31985

AsSalamalikum Shaikh,

Couple of days back my wife was telling me that she just want to shift downstairs of our building as she can’t bear the pain of constantly getting up and down and after that I just said to myself “pehle tumaku shift kardetu” which roughly translates to “first I will shift you” at the time of uttering those words it was just a taunt and their was no intention of divorce and moreover it couldn’t be as those are the most stupidiest word and I never thought of divorcing my wife as Allah SWT blessed me with a wife who performs tahajud and also a qualified doctor and Alhamdulilah blessed with a career in technology and management and a senior executive position.

But as soon as I uttered the sentence “Pehle tumaku shift kardetu” — “First I will shift you” or “I will first shift you” a rough thought of divorce came in my mind like niyyat after five to eight seconds. P.S. While uttering those statements their was no intention of divorce and it was just a taunt. Does that divore happen.

Jazakallah Khair

Marked as spam
Asked on September 5, 2014 3:52 pm
Private answer

No divorce has occurred.

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Answered on September 5, 2014 3:52 pm