Talaaq with a condition

Question ID: 26284

Introducing myself, I’m an Imaam and teacher in madrassah,married for 3 yrs.From the beginning of our marriage life we had difficulties during sexual intercourse,after Ruqya the problem was solved but gradually there has been repeated discussion between us and that ended with a first talaq. After reconciliation, the same problem repeated again and again, till a second talaq was pronounced. But we reconciled. And all the discussion started each week on every same day.
Last month,it so happened that after being refused for sexual intercourse, and un knowingly that my wife was suffering from pain,I stated these words:
If my private part penetrates yours then the third talaaq will take place .
Is there any solution for uniting us. Is there any kaffaarah for it.

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Asked on April 16, 2014 2:04 pm
Private answer

Fast for 3 days as Kaffaraah. See an Aamil.

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Answered on April 16, 2014 2:04 pm