
Question ID: 29615

My question is my wife and I have been seperated for 4 months now, I asked her for a date as to when will be suitable for her to end things, and she said she will let me know, her brother told me she did give her consent, and last month I sent her Talaaq through sms, but a split second aftr sending it, I received a message from her telling me ‘even if she wants to make things work …’ I had no idea she still wanted to be in my Nikah. Now she wishes to reconcile, but I am afraid, but I only sent it through sms, according to her she didn’t want to show her parents and brother she still wanted to be with me, and I only asked her for the date suitable for her to make her afraid, now if I had received that message from her just few seconds earlier, I would not have sent the message of Talaaq through to her. Is it counted as Talaaq Mufti Saheb?

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Asked on February 3, 2014 11:46 pm
Private answer

This Talaaq is valid. One Talaaq has fallen. You may reconcile with her by telling her that you revoke the Talaaq or behave with her as a husband behaves with a wife, e.g. holding her, etc. But remember - you only have two Talaaqs left.

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Answered on February 3, 2014 11:46 pm