Suicide bombing/martyrdom operations

Question ID: 20958

Assalamu alaykum.

My question is about the suicide bombing/martyrdom operations. I am not referring to those suicide bombings which target innocent civilians, those are obviously out of the question and haraam. I am talking about those which the mujahideen in various countries Afghanistan,Iraq,Kashmir,Chechnya use against the Kuffar invading forces. Are these attacks permissible in which either a single,or a group of Mujahideen attack explosives to their body and detonate the explosive in the vicinity of the kuffar troops, killing themselves as well as the kuffar?

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Asked on March 13, 2014 6:52 pm
Private answer

It depends on the intention of the doer.

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Answered on March 13, 2014 6:52 pm