Studying at Islamic University in Saudi

Question ID: 16030

I have a friend whose husband to be is planning to leave S.A to study deen in Saudi Arabia.Is it advisable for him to leave everything behind? The boy is very much interested in the girl and wants to make nikaah, but he says the best way to get full benefit of deen is from S.Arabia,to study there.His mind is set on leaving but the girl is trying to show him how it won’t be a good idea. Please advice eg(heard of salafi beliefs/unlike the method thought by our akaabir etc)

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Asked on August 15, 2015 2:17 pm
Private answer

The best course of action is to get married and study in South Africa.
There are many good, authentic, reliable Darul Ulooms in our country teaching the Dars-e-Nizaami as elucidated by the ‘Maslack’ of Deoband.

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Answered on August 31, 2015 4:42 pm