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Asalamualaykum a family member passed away recently, I had been present for the ghusl her face was normal but when we opened to show her face which was about 2 hours later her face had changed where she now suddenly had a beautiful smile and her eyes even returned to normal as if she was looking at something and smiling…when she had passed away her eyes were such that her eyeballs were up n now when we saw her face again even the eyeballs were back down as if looking at something….id like to kno if there is any significance to this I’ve read that sometimes the shaheed die with smiles on their faces however how is it possible that this smile only appeared a while after she had o ready passed away and if there is anything from hadith which mentions something like this…is there still a connection with the body and soul in such a way that a body void of a soul and life can still smile…
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Smiling of a Deceased After Ghusl
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