Sex change operations Questions & AnswersDeviatedSex change operations « Back to Previous PageTags: changemayetsexStatusCategory: Deviated Question ID: 27579 ▲ 0 ▼ ♥ 0 AsSalamualaikum, Dear Mufti, it is not uncommon in todays times for both male and female to have sex change operations…. for whatever reason………. what is the status of a muslim person who passes away after having had a sex change operation? how is the mayet conducted? who gives the janaza? – for a male (previously female)? and vice versa, janaza namaaz… for male and female? Marked as spam Asked on February 2, 2009 12:00 am 59 views Follow Unfollow ▲ 0 ▼ ✔ Private answer Of now the person is male then male will do the necessary and if female then females. What a horrible crime! Marked as spam Answered on February 2, 2009 12:00 am « Back to Previous Page