Salaah missed

Question ID: 26088

. I work in a centre where their is firstly no water facilities to make istinja, secondly I only get a half hour break , during that time I try my best to go to another centre which has a musallah place which is 10min away so I read only 4 farDH for zohr, but asr and magrib time I am on the road travelling in a lift club so I miss my salaah. what suggestions would you have for namaaz to be read accordingly. Jazakallah for all your help

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Asked on July 6, 2014 7:30 pm
Private answer

Try to get another lift club. For now when you reach home perform your Maghrib Salaat for the time of Maghrib is +- 1 hour 10 minutes after sunset in South Africa. Then make Asr qadha will a lot of Istighfaar.

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Answered on July 6, 2014 7:30 pm