As salaamu alaikum, Respected Mufti Saheb,
your answer to Q2285 says that you are now revisiting the issue, Has your Ruling/advice/ fatwa now changed
1) From Halaal to Haraam OR Makrooh?
2) And as muslims should we continue to ‘eat with confidence’ as stipulated by the sanha announcement dated 17-11-08?
3) The IGCMSA claims that Sanha have fabricated that you as part of the ‘independent Ulama’ that inspected rainbow on 28/10/08 said their claims
1. Stone Dead Birds from stunning
2. Tasmiyah not recited on every single bird
3. Line speed of 3 birds per second
are ‘baseless & false’
3.1)Please confirm if you said to SANHA that these 3 listed above are “baseless & false”?
3.2)Can any person say it is “baseless & false” when even you recommended to sanha that some device be installed to ensure the dead birds can be accurately removed?
3.3)in your report – on your website, you confirm the line speed of 150 per min, this equates to 2.5, rounded off this would be 3 per sec!, if you said that its “baseless & false” are you not then contradicting your own report or is SANHA just lying as it is being alleged by IGCMSA in their e mails?
4) Did you ever say to SANHA that its ‘baseless & false” ?
5) Can you please confirm OR When do you expect to confirm your current updated Islamic ruling / Fatwa / Advice on Muslim consumption of Rainbow chicken/commercial meat produced in the same way?
What is your ruling currently?