Qurbaani From Saudi Arabia in South Africa

Question ID: 15813

salaam mufti.

I live in Saudi Arabia and my family is in south Africa, I send money to my wife and she makes the qurbaani in South Africa for me and her and my 2 kids who are baalig, my question is, is this ok, because I am a bit confused now because I read on your “qurbaani laws” that it has to be done on certain day for it to valid.
I dont know if there is a difference in the Eid day in Saudi and RSA. When it is eid al Adha in RSA she make the qurbaani for us, is my qurbaani valid this way or not?
shukran for taking time to answer my query
your brother in islam

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Asked on August 13, 2015 6:58 am
Private answer

She will make the Qurbaani in the Days of Qurbaani as per S.A. Days/Dates. Thus choose such a date which is common to both countries.

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Answered on August 18, 2015 2:59 pm