Question on Bidah and Tasawwuf – Part I

Question ID: 15793

Dear Maulana,
Al-Salam Alaikom,
I have read the past several articles you have posted on your website and have circulated on What’s App for the public. I have a few queries and hope that you will have the courage and honesty to make your reply to these queries public on your website as well.
You wrote: “Bid`ah is to understand something to be part of Deen which was not practiced by the Salaf-e-Saaliheen.”
Elsewhere, on a post circulated on What’s App but not posted by you on your website. you also cited different statements from different books of scholars establishing the same definition of bid’ah that you mention in the above quote.
In light of these words of yours, I would like to ask you the following questions:
1. In his work entitled, “Shariat and Tasawwuf”, Maseehullah Khan prescribed a number of dhikr that are not found in the hadith of RasulAllah (Salla Allaho alahyi wa sallam) nor practiced by Sahaba, nor Tabi’een, nor Taba’ Tabi’een. Are these practices bidah or not?
See for example, Shariat and Tasawwuf:
(a) page 195: Tareeq Shughl Paas Anfaas
(b) page 196, para 2: A method of dhikr in which a person places their fingers in different places
(c) page 197: a dhikr called Sultanan Naseera, to keep both or one eye closed
(d) page 197: a dhikr called Sulatnan Mahmooda, to keep one’s eyes focused on one’s eyebrows.
(e) page 198: a dhikr called Say Paya
2. In the same work (page 206), the following colors are mentioned as being seen during dhikr. What is the basis of this in Shariah?
(a) if a white color is seen it is the kiraaman kaatibeen
(b) if a green color is the angel sent to guard the dhakir
(c) the noor of the shaikh
(d) Noor –e – Muhammadi (Salla Allaho alahyi wa sallam)
(e) a noor that is the breast of the angel
(f) the noor of Shaytan
Etc. (21 types of noor are discussed)
There are many other things in this book.
Are you a “khalifah” of Masihullah Khan? As his khalifah do you teach these same dhikr which he wrote about in his book? Why or why not? Should people practice these and other dhikr which he wrote about in his book, clearly he knew the book would be accessible to the masses. Why or why not?
Did the Sahabah every grant khilafah to the tabi’een? Did the tabi’een granted khilafah to the taba tabi’een?
Do you agree with everything written in the book cited above and other books by Masihullah Khan? How are these things not bidah?
If you view some, many, or all of them as bidah, then as his “khalifah” do you not have a responsibility to criticize these things? In all these years since you have received this “khilafah” can you show me any writing where you have openly and publicly criticized these things?
Please tell me which parts of the book, which are extra from the Sunnah, that you agree with?

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Asked on August 12, 2015 7:57 pm
Private answer

– Duaa after Fardh Salaat is proven.
– It should be in-audible. Audible if the Imaam has to teach the Musallees, once they know then in-audible.
– It is part of the etiquette of Duaa to raise the hands, thus permissible.
– The Duaa should be short if there is Sunnat Salaat thereafter.
– The Duaa can be slightly longer if there is NO Sunnat Salaat thereafter like Fajr and Asr.
– If the Imaam leaves this Duaa he is NOT sinful.
– The Duaa is Mustahb.
– There must be no delay between after the Duaa and the performance of Sunnat – like reading a Kitaab for few minutes, this is not correct.
– If a person does NOT make this Duaa and walks off whilst the Imaam is making this Duaa, this person will NOT be sinful.
– To classify this Duaa as Bidaat is erroneous.

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Answered on August 18, 2015 9:16 pm