Qadha salaah

Question ID: 40991

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatulla

Respected Mufti Sahb

A woman went for Hajj in 1989. From then on, up till this day, she had performed all her salaah, as well as one qada for those that she missed before her hajj. So in total, she has read approx. 25 years of qada salaah. If she became mature at the age of 12, and now she is 60, it is safe to say that she covered up all of the qada during her lifetime so far. However, during that hajj or at that point, she said to herself something to the effect that ”I will continue making qada till i pass away”.
My question is; Does she have to continue making her qada, or is it safe to say that she has completed all her qada and now she is sahebatut-tarteeb?

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Asked on January 1, 1970 12:00 am
Private answer

After completing her all her Qadhas she is now a 'Hukmi Sahebatul-Tarteeba'.

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Answered on January 1, 1970 12:00 am