Personal Work at Workplace

Question ID: 40687

Assalamu alaikum, Respected Mufti Sahab, I work as an accountant in an Institute (NGO) as a part timer in the evening.So during the day time the institute office remains closed but other section like computer room is open and classes takes place. I work in the office section. The Secretary knows that I come in the office in the day time to do the office work. The Office in charge who is also a Cashier know about this. And in reality I do office job when there is a back log and I was not able to finish it in the evening so I do it in the daytime but sometimes I also do my personal work when there is no office work backlog or load. During the day time I go to the institute in the office and do some personal work in the computer. Like mailing my CV to other companies through net and mailing and also taking print out of CV or other documents of my personal use from the office printer.

Also I have told asked the Office in charge as he is also a staff there, that if I want to take any print out can I do it. He said yes.

In the evening also when there is no work when I have little work after completing my work have I enough time left as the work timing is not over yet. So I get bored by just sitting so I read some islamic book online, or browse through the net or view your site and read questions or type questions and send to you. etc etc So am I doing wrong as I am doing all this at the time stipulated for work but there is no work so I do this. Is my income halal.

Can I use the phone of office to call someone or this will be wrong. Is there any way out so that I can do this.

What should I do?

Jazzak Allah

Marked as spam
Asked on August 10, 2015 9:11 am
Private answer

If the responsible member gives permission for all what you are doing then it is permissible otherwise not.

Marked as spam
Answered on January 1, 1970 12:00 am