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Assalamu alaikum, Respected Mufti Sahab, I work as an accountant in an Institute (NGO) as a part timer in the evening.So during the day time the institute office remains closed but other section like computer room is open and classes takes place. I work in the office section. The Secretary knows that I come in the office in the day time to do the office work. The Office in charge who is also a Cashier know about this. And in reality I do office job when there is a back log and I was not able to finish it in the evening so I do it in the daytime but sometimes I also do my personal work when there is no office work backlog or load. During the day time I go to the institute in the office and do some personal work in the computer. Like mailing my CV to other companies through net and mailing and also taking print out of CV or other documents of my personal use from the office printer.
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Personal Work at Workplace
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