Permissibility of women going to mazaars for ziaarat

Question ID: 24259

Assa laa mu alai kum mufti
I know some people who create something like a holy place with cloths that come from the graves of pious people, saints, with pictures of the graves on the walls of the graves as well of hazrat ali. They sit in front of this place an make dua for help. Bowing down like in a rukhu posture when making salaams to hazrat ali and kissing the cloth out of love and respect, I think. Some people also make dua to ask hazrat ali or other pious saints to intercede on their behalf to ask Allah to help them with what ever problem they have. And some other ladies I know go for ziaarat to pious saints graves. I don’t exactly know what they do there. I have been to a mazaar before and saw some ladies crying and kissing and touching the graves of the pious saints so I decided not to go again as we learnt that ladies are not allowed to go to the grave at all because of these kinds of actions. Are these things allowed in islam. can a person take the name of hazrat ali and other pious saints and ask them to intercede on their behalf to ask the almighty to answer their duas. Can women go to the pious saints graves for ziaarat. And do a person have to stand and make salaami as they say you have to stand, its a form of disrespect if you sit. and is it true that the spirits of these holy people are present when you make dua to them. I never grew up in a place where these things were practiced so I don’t really know any thing about it

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Asked on March 4, 2011 2:45 pm
Private answer

Most of what you have described tantamount to Shirk Amali - actions of Shirk. Women should not visit graveyards. One must only ask of Allaah, no one else. One can use as Waseelah the actions of the pious.

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Answered on March 4, 2011 2:45 pm