Obedience to mother;fajr salaah without jamaat

Question ID: 26630

Assalam o alaikum,
Respected Mufti Sahab, I want to ask that whether going for prayers to the mosque is necessary, or I can say my namaz at home also. I used to go to the mosque Fajr time and nake my namaz with jamat. Because we live in a place where there is only three houses who are Muslims and the mosque is also a little far away from our house, though there has been no disturbance or fear of anyone or anything. But my mother tells me to make my Fajr (Morning Prayer) at home and does not allow me to go alone to the mosque at such an early time, as it is still little dark. So can I make my prayers at home? As much as I know performing prayer with jamat is wajib and obeying parents is Fardh. So the status of Fardh is more than Wajib so one has to follow Fardh first, thinking this way I say my prayers at home. Am I correct in my thought? Will my prayers be accepted? What shall I do? As on one side I have to say prayer in jamat and the other side I have to obey my parents. Some say you should not obey any person by disobeying Allah. Please help me.

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Asked on August 8, 2014 9:18 pm
Private answer

Some Ulema say that Salaat with Jamaat is Waajib whilst most say it is Sunnat-e-Muakkidah. To obey the parents when they ask one to do something against the Shariat is not permissible. Therefore make Salaat with Jamaat in the Masjid.

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Answered on August 8, 2014 9:18 pm