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saw myself Going inside work But somehow I was coming outside I had one suitcase which was at work when I got taxi they put it in taxi via concierge all of a sudden my family my sister me my dad my mum my cousin and this other lady who was verydressed lots of makeup bright coloutshalwar kamrez came with me to drop me to airport and I wen I got off&was with my family speaking to them before boarding I saw that my same black suitcase was missing I then shouted and screamed at lady telling her it was her fault as there was no spAce in car she took it up so I forgot my suitcase.lady came with us to drop me to the airport it was like she was my friend along time ago much older than me And I had lost contact with her then all of a sudden she came to see me off I made her cry&she left the airport and then my sister came to me and told me off and said and clarified things and said she came to drop me for XYZ reasons and then I Started crying was vet feeling bad&hugged my sis then lady crying
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Dreaming of Workplace, Travelling and Family
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