As-Salaam Mufti Please davise on the correct spellings and meanings of the below names for a boy and which are advisable and which are not: 1. Zahraan 2.Tauha 3.Raihaan 4.Jordaan 5.Muaafiah 6.Mueez 7.Owaiz Jzk
1) N/A 3) Rayhaan = A sweet smelling plant; any flower besides rose; comfort: 4) Jaudaan = Name of a Sahabah (R.A) 5) N/A 6) Mueedh (Mu'eez) = A person who gives shelter. 7) Uwais = Name of a well known saint who lived during the time of Rasulullaah (S.A.W) and who despite not having seen or met Rasulullaah (S.A.W) admired and loved him wholeheartedly