As salaamu Alaikum Mufti Saab
Shukran for your service that you tirelessly provide to the muslim ummah. May Allah grant you all that your heart desires.
My question is as follows:
I go to the toilet and despite spending a considerable amount of time in there trying to release all the urine, when I am finished and put my underwear on, I always have a release of more urine. Further, when making movements such as picking up my legs for wudu etc I can feel a release of urine. I have started taking precautions by putting tissue in my underwear to prevent my clothes from becoming soiled. However, I have to constantly change it and due to me not being in close proximity to tissues all the time, I use the same one through the day. Is my wudu still valid despite the involuntary release of urine? In addition, I have been leading the salaah with this condition. Are my actions correct? What other measure do I need to take to remain clean?
I await your response.
Shukran & was salaamu Alaikum