Massallah pertaining to paying for Hajj Questions & AnswersHajj and UmrahMassallah pertaining to paying for Hajj « Back to Previous PageTags: HajjmoneypaysisterCategory: Hajj and Umrah Question ID: 23481 ▲ 0 ▼ ♥ 0 Assalaamu AlaikumAn unmarried sister wants to go for hajj but cannot afford it at the moment. 1.) If the money is given to her as a gift, can she use the money to go for hajj? She will be accompanied by her parents. 2.) If the money is borrowed to her, to be paid back later, can she use this money and go for hajj?Please give some explanation for your answers. Marked as spam Asked on May 12, 2010 12:00 am 41 views Follow Unfollow ▲ 0 ▼ ✔ Private answer 1) Yes2) Can, not advisable. Marked as spam Answered on May 12, 2010 12:00 am « Back to Previous Page