massallah pertaining to Kufr

Question ID: 23744

My wife was reading a facebook message part of which said: “thank Allah my pakore turned out the right shape.” After reading the message in its entirety which was written in a comical way my wife, without thinking, said:”trust her to come out with crap like that.” does what she said constitute kufr. Without asking her intention It is difficult to ascertain but my gut instinct is that she would not deliberately speak of Allah in such a manner & her statement was made instinctively as a response to the manner in which her cousin communicates.
Were I to ask her about her intention it would cause conflict because due to my OCD I have a habit of asking a lot of kufr related questions in the past.

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Asked on September 8, 2010 12:00 am
Private answer

This is not Kufr.

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Answered on September 8, 2010 12:00 am