Massallah pertaining to inheritance

Question ID: 23899

Mufti please advise in terms of distribution of will.
i have a wife and 2 daughters and both my parents are still alive. i have 2 brothers and 2 sisters as well.
please also advise if my wife passes way what the distribution will be
both her parensts are also alive she has a brothere and sister.

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Asked on July 9, 2010 12:00 am
Private answer

1) 2 Daughters;Wife;Father;Mother;2 Full brothers;2 Full sisters;
Daughters get 8/27 each
Wife gets 1/9
Father gets 4/27
Mother gets 4/27
Full brothers get NONE each
Full sisters get NONE each

2) 2 Daughters;Husband;Father;Mother;2 Full brothers;2 Full sisters;2 
Daughters get 4/15 each
Husband gets1/5
Father gets 2/15
Mother gets 2/15
Full brothers get NONE each

Full sisters get NONE each

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Answered on July 9, 2010 12:00 am