Massallah pertaining to doubt of completing 7 tawaafs

Question ID: 25444

as salaam u alaikum respected mufti saheb.
i with my wife went for hajj last year alhamdulillah with the fadhl of allah swt. when we were doing tawaf e ziyarah,upon completion i had a doubt that we had only completed 6 rounds,because the crowd was small,and we must have finished in approx 20 wife was keeping the count,wherelse for all other tawaf i had kept the counts.she said we had finished 7 rounds.i have a doubt till now,whether that tawaf for completed or not,since it was fardh tawaf,and if not completed 1 cannot have relationship with ones partner.Mufti saheb i know it’s too late,but please advise on above.Jazakallah

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Asked on October 7, 2010 12:00 am
Private answer

6 rounds means the Tawaaf is valid. Thus relationship is permissible.

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Answered on October 7, 2010 12:00 am