Massallah pertaining to a difficult wife

Question ID: 24250

I was seperated from my wife for 1year, we still had a bond and we made nikah again and we have 2 kids. I even moved to Gauteng from KZN so that we can be away from family and any inteference. We had a small argument and ever since she is been so stubborn and wants a divorce. She wants to go her seperate way after all that we have been through. I dont want to give her talaaq as this will be the last once i have and not be able to get back.
She says that she just wants to be single and happy and she is doing this for herself, I asked what about the kids future as we made a big move to JHB. She adamant and is forcing for her final talaaq. I am so depressed as i dont know what to do and am very worried for my kids. The seniors in the family spoke to her but she still wants to be alone. I am making lots of sabr as she goes out on her own every weekend and has total disrespect or disregard for me. I do not illtreat her in anyway and end up doing most of the chores in the house. Mufti Saab i need your guidance please.

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Asked on March 7, 2011 12:39 pm
Private answer

Go to your local Jamiat, care line or crises centre. Let them or those who signed your Nikah certificate to call both parties to resolve the matter.
Unilaterally it is difficult to say who is right and who is wrong?

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Answered on March 7, 2011 12:39 pm