Wslm Respected Mufti
I have a child born out of Wedlock. My husband and i got Married , after 9 years i fell pregnant from the father of my first child. He was a recovery drug addict and collapse when i told him about my pregnancy.His drug problem became bad. I know i was the reason for his actions. I went to the MJC and they have sent several letters to him and phoned him but did not answer. The MJC i must let him write it on paper. After months when he came by the house i have forced him to write on a piece of paper that he talak me which he did. I husband of so and so talak my wife of so so x 3 with his signature , never told him what to write though. MJC gave me talak papers meaning i need to marry someone else if i want to Marry him again. After a year i saw him again and he looked like someone that was going to die. Moved back in and the Imam that married us the first time married us again. I have asked Imams muftis and shegs and all said my marriage is not valid. Is it true?