Dreamt of Knives at a Auction after Istikhaara

Question ID: 40313

Assalamu Alaikum Mufti Elias,

Inshallah you can assist me with my dream. I prayed istikhara for a matter and seen in my dream that I was looking for a knife sharpener. I came to an auction and found an item. But there were many knife sharpeners in one bag. I thought I could use them for different knifes. I did not get to purchase the knife sharpeners as I woke up from the dream.

I am cautious about were I pay my zakat. So my istikhara was whether I should pay my zakat to a particular organization. What does this mean?

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Asked on June 7, 2015 2:33 pm
Private answer

Do not give your Zakaat to organisations that do not have Ulema on board. Also they must produce balance sheet even if they have Ulema as their leaders.

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Answered on August 7, 2015 12:56 pm