Listening to Takreer on Mobile Before Salaah

Question ID: 40686

Assalamu alaikum, Respected Mufti Sahab, si I what to ask that after the Asr prayer I sit in the courtyard of the masjid and listen to the takreer on mobile phone. Lecture of Mufti Taqi Usami Sahab and the lecture of Yours which I have downloaded from computer from the site. So what I do is correct or not. Or should I read tasbeeh or do zikr instead of listening to takreer. As I get time during this time of the day so I listen to it. Then when magrib is about to start I switch it off and say my namaz and then go home.
So please tell me what should I do.

Jazzak Allah!

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Asked on August 10, 2015 8:53 am
Private answer

You can listen to these lecture via mobile as long as it does not disturb others. It will be good at times to engage some days in Quraan Tilaawat and Zikr and other days in listening to lectures.

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Answered on January 1, 1970 12:00 am