Leaving of a property to the daughter

Question ID: 19433

Assalamu Alaikum

I am a mother of 2 sons and 1 daughter, they are all adults and married with children. My question is about writing my will. My daughter lives with me with her family and my husband is deceased, I have 2 sons who Alhamdulilah are doing well financially. My daughter’s husband is not well and not working but is trying to find work. I have a house which my late husband left for me, no other assets, there is a house and land on this plot. Is it ok to leave the house and its belongings to my daughter and the remainder of the very big plot to my sons. I am really concerned about my daughter’s well being and she has taken care of both me and my husband for many many years. She has also worked for a lot of the things in the house.
Please I would like to keep this confidential.

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Asked on August 8, 2014 9:16 pm
Private answer

You, in your life, may give the ownership of the house to your daughter with the clause that you will stay and use the house as long as you live. You can also do that for the sons but obviously no usage and staying clause will be applicable.

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Answered on August 8, 2014 9:16 pm