
Question ID: 18843

Aslaamu alaikum

1) A Muslim has thoughts of kufr but has no intention of kufr. In his thoughts he is saying, ” I am not muslim, I denounce islam”. But as these statements are in his mind, he has no intention of kufr. So he emails a mufti/maulana to enquire about this and decides that instead of writing that these are thoughts he writes in the email that he has verbally said the statements, ” I am not muslim, I denounce islam”, when in reality he hasn’t and didn’t say it. And the only reason he wrote this in the email that he verbally said this particular statement was to enquire and get a ruling on such a matter. does this make him a non-muslim?

He did not say the statement verbally but wrote in the email that he said the statements above just so he could get to know the ruling on such a matter.

He has never had any intention of kufr and never has said any kufr statements verbally.

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Asked on September 24, 2014 7:42 pm
Private answer

1) No, but do not play with kufr statements.

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Answered on September 24, 2014 7:42 pm