Knowledge of where and when a person is going to die

Question ID: 37508

We know that Rasool (sallalahualaihiwasallam) said that there are five matters about which only Allaah has knowledge and then Rasool (sallalhualaihiwasallam) recited the final verse of Surah Luqman (Muslim). This has been recorded in Tafseer Anwar ul Bayan of Maulana Ashiq Ilahi.
One of these five things is the land in which a soul will die in.
So if only Allah knows about the land that a person is going to die in, how did the angel of death know of this man’s (Sulaymas (AS)’s companion) location of death minutes before the man’s soul was extracted?

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Asked on January 1, 1970 12:00 am
Private answer

minutes before' Allaah informed the Angel.

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Answered on January 1, 1970 12:00 am