Jihad and Jamaat

Question ID: 26641

AsSalaamuAlaykum. With the current onslaught against the Ummah, should we be going for Jihaad or out in Jamaat? Please substantiate.

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Asked on August 8, 2014 7:19 pm
Private answer

If you are in the affected area then, under proper guidance and leadership, make Jihaad. If you are away from the affected area then turn towards Allaah, act diligently on the Sunnat, never leave our the Fardh or Waajib, and make Du'aa for the aid and mercy of Allaah. If you have the means and opportunity then go out in Jamaat. Aid and support the Ulema on the Haqq.

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Answered on August 8, 2014 7:19 pm