Mental illness is reality. In Islaam one has to be mature and sane for Hajj, Zakaat, Salaat and Fasting to become obligatory. Also those that are mad, insane from birth or become mad before maturity (physically) whether they are Muslim or non-Muslim will go to a place called Araf which is in between Jannat and Jahannam. There, they will be shown Jannat and Jahannam. They will choose Jannat. That Araf will be destroyed. They will be the attendants of the Jannatis of Jannat.
Here we are talking of complete insanity. Sanity is when a person can discern what is good and bad, beneficial or detrimental, hot or cold, truth or falsehood, Right or left, when to laugh or cry, when to be happy or sad, when to buy or sell, how and when to do things,<
br>At times people suffer from partial insanity. This will be the qualities of insanity existing for temporary periods. The ruling of Shariaat will be accordingly<
br>We hope the above will help.
For more details read:
Forensic Psychiatry in Islaamic Jurisprudence by Kutaiba S. Chalehy. (The other press - Kuala Lampur)