Assalamualaikum learned mufti saab,
I have a query egarding a publication, titled –
” A Critical Analysis of The Modernists and Hadeeth Rejectors”
By: Sajid A. Kayum
Published by Quraan Sunnah Educational Programs
On page 28 of this book (Pg35 of the MSWORD) I see flwg :
” Despite Imam Abu Hanifa’s condemnation of Kalaam; many of those
who claim to follow his madhhab like the Maturidis and Deobandis
continue their indulgence in Kalaam”
Mufti saab, I am a Tableeghi and a follower of Shaikhul Ummat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi and also Deobandi
I suspect This author and Publication is Salafi in thought . I am confused bcz he writes that the Salafis belong to “Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah.
My question is – Can I read this book , is it congruent with our concept of thinking.. Is it out and out SALAFI.
I await your advice. jazakallah Khairun.
Capt Javed Patankar