
Question ID: 40345

A Muslim had thoughts of kufr of statements,’I am not muslim,I denounce islam.’So writes the following query in email to maulana and also asks the query verbally to find out the ruling in such a matter.

Query:If I write in email that I have said the statement “I am not muslim,I denounce islam”, when in reality I haven’t and didnt say it. And the only reason I wrote this in the email that I said this particular statement was to enquire/to get a fatwa and the ruling on such a matter. does this make me a non-muslim?(End of query)He writes in the email to the mufti as explained in the above query that he has verbally said the statements,”I am not muslim,I denounce islam”,when in reality he hasn’t and didn’t say it verbally.He wrote this in email because he wanted to inquire a ruling from the Mufti and understand the ruling on such a matter.Does doing this make him a non-muslim?He also asks the mufti the above query verbally.Does asking the above query verbally make him non-muslim? Jazkala

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Asked on August 7, 2015 11:12 pm
Private answer

I have repeatedly stated that Kufr does not occur on mere thought and subsequently writing down down that particular thought.

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Answered on January 1, 1970 12:00 am