Assalaamu Alaikum Mufti Saheb
Please bear me out as we have no scholar close to me in New Zealand.
I follow the Hannafi Madhab.
1) Our masjid congregation is very small. This morning I was 1 minute late for fajr. When I entered the musjid, the imaam (no appointed imaam at the musjid) who was alone already started the fardh salaah and was reciting loudly. I stood next to him and joined the salaah. Was this correct? Should I repeat the salaah? If incorrect, what should I do in future?
2) If I was alone in the musjid at the time of the salaah, should I have done the same thing as him? That is, should I also have started the fardh of fajr loudly even though I would be alone?