Assalam o alaikum,
Respected Sir, I had read in Fazail – e – Amaal that the more you read La ilaha illallah its better. And some sufis had the recited this more than 5000 a day and also gave the suggestion to their muridans but on your site I came to know that one should not recited this more than 200 a day. I want to know is there any harm in reciting more than 200. Or is it for a particular person and for particular reason. Or is it universal for all the people not to recite more than 200 a day. The reference of your question is given below. Please tell us what should we do. Recite more than 200 or just 200 a day. Hope I am not hurting your feelings. Maaf if I have broken your heart by my question or any action or pointing out the mistake in your site or answer. But I want to clarify it and avoid confusion. Jazzak Allah!
Question #1300
. Please give me the ‘NAME OF ALLAH (SWT)’ from His 99 Greatest Names (Ism-e-Aazam). Which one should I recite . How many times the Ism-e-Azam should be recited ? and What is the best time to recite ?
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Laillaha Iallalah (Muhammad-durasulullah) is the best Zikr but not to be read more than 200 a day.
And Allah Knows Best