Hajar bin Adi

Question ID: 37582

Assalam o alaykum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuh!
Mufti sahib,as you know, recently in Syria the body of Hajar bin Adi was recovered from his grave
3)In the photos,Hajar bin Adi has a very short beard,much shorter than a fist length.I have heard people commenting on the short length of the beard,and now I am very much afraid that people will try to justify their short beards by saying that this sahabi had such a short beard so trimming the beard cannot be sinful. What should I say to such people? (I myself have seen the photo and the beard looks like it has been trimmed and not naturally short,may Allah forgive me).

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Asked on August 9, 2014 3:51 pm
Private answer

Whether this 'picture' is actually of the Sahabi in question cannot be proven. Any further discussion would be solely speculation. Islaam is not based on speculation. Proof lies with the living in the Qur'aan and Hadeeth.
Note: most 'stories' surrounding this particular Sahabah are manufactured by the Kuffaar.

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Answered on August 9, 2014 3:51 pm