Food when going for umrah

Question ID: 31944

Assalamu Alaikum
I intend travelling for Umrah soon Inshallah. Can you kindly provide advice on how I should approach eating there?

1. is there a halaal body I can use for guidance

2. is there any specific restaurant/meat products that are “safe”

3.can I eat at hotels?how should I approach breakfast there?

4. are the halaal certificates on the website below reputable?
Jazaakallah for any form of assistance

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Asked on September 15, 2014 4:32 pm
Private answer

1) No.

2) Tazaj and al-Bhaik.

3) Eat egg, bread, milk, and cereal. Do not touch meat.

4) No. There are local people cutting, preparing, and selling meat and poultry themselves. Your travel agent has the lists.

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Answered on September 15, 2014 4:32 pm