Feelings of being alone and depressed after commiting adultery

Question ID: 26821


32, female, never married. I committed adultery with a non muslim who was separated from his wife at the time so he said. It was for four years. I dont feel good about myself I am very depressed and its affecting my life. I do want to get married and put the past behind me. My parents dont kknow this has happened. Will Allah forgive me. How do I go about repenting for this sin. I ask for forgiveness everyday. I feel Allah has deserted me because of this sin. I want to find my match. Doesnt Allah have someone for everyone. Very depressed but no good Is coming my way. Please help me. ..please. I dont want to grow old and be alone and be unhappy. Im unhappy at home im unhappy at work I want to find a new job. I am so stressed

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Asked on May 29, 2014 8:38 pm
Private answer

Allaah will forgive you provided that you make a proper, valid Tauba. Never do it again. Read the following booklet: http://www.alislam.co.za/uploads/Tried20And20Tested20Methods20Of20Getting20Pious20Matches.pdf Choose a formula and read. Have faith in Allaah.

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Answered on May 29, 2014 8:38 pm