Fathers punishment and how to ease the punishmnent

Question ID: 38961

As salaam ualaikum. Respected Mufti,My father passed away 6 months ago. Despite his illness he had a very “easy ” death. I have 2 questions:
My father was not able to read the quraan, however he could follow along if a Surah was being recited aloud. He would read his Salaah as my mum had taught him. He could make zikr. How will my father be punished and how can I help to ease my father’s punishment.

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Asked on September 4, 2014 7:40 pm
Private answer

We should not be judgmental. Allaah is All-Forgiving and Most Merciful. ?Make Du'aa for him, give charity on his behalf, and make Isaale Sawaab for him.

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Answered on September 4, 2014 7:40 pm