I am living in Kzn and have been successful in attaining a very good job in another province, quite a distance away from home. My immediate family and mother would prefer I was closer to home. I have already resigned from my job 2 months ago.
I have read Istikhara on numerous occasions. On the last occasion, I had dreams as follows:
1st night- my previous employer was reprimanding me for something which was not my doing.
2nd night – I was in a mosque following an imaam who was quiet sleepy, we had to wake him up for salaah as it was time and assist him with wudhu etc. However after a rakaat, he sat down and made salaam, at which point, I said Allahu-akbar and got up and led the congregation to complete the salaah and Dua.
The 3rd night I cannot recall but all the nights were restless in the sense that they produced various dreams.
After a few days, I read the Istikhara Dua before sleeping, but did not read the namaz before that. I dreamed that I was sitting in a mosque during a lecture, given by a Molana I know, but the lecture style was more casual and direct, as the Molana was walking around.
I am really confused as to what I should do, as if I choose not to move, I will still have to look for a job here with a considerable decrease in salary, and at the same time I would like to please my mother (no father). I am not married.
Would Molana kindly advise? I have struggling with a decision for 2 months.