Dreaming of tooth falling out

Question ID: 26846

AssalamuAlaikum Respected Mufti. I had a dream which has been troubling me. In the dream I went to a bathroom in the house which we rarely use and I started brushing my teeth with a huge brush (the type of one used in a shower). My mum and sister were watching me and I rudely told them that I came to this bathroom because its rarely used. (in reality I will never talk to my mum like that InshaAllah). So my mum said okay and left. My sister stayed and spoke a little. Then I was alone and still brushing and one tooth fell out. It fell on to the basin and I left it there and carried on brushing and another one fell out. I checked my teeth and it was the canine tooth and I started stressing. I picked up the tooth and tried to put in back in but ther was a portion missing. I really started stressing and tried to calm myself saying its okay, ill go the dentist and have it fixed up. Could Mufti please interpret this dream for me. Jazakallahu Khair. May Allah SWT reward Mufti immensely. Ameen

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Asked on May 21, 2014 5:14 pm
Private answer

Beware of theft in the house. You will try to replace it but it will take time to do so.

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Answered on May 21, 2014 5:14 pm