Dreaming of snakes attacking and biting you

Question ID: 27717

assalaam mulaikum respected Mufti i had a very disturbing dream today after fajr.i was in a house i do not recognise and i am very afraid because there are snakes everywhere. i try to escape by running into another room but they are coming out from all over especially up the walls.they want to attack me and some do bite me.they are of all different sizes and types.the strange thing is that the other people in the house who i also do not recognise are not afraid of the snakes infact they are petting them and the snakes do not seem to want to attack them.what could this dream mean?

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Asked on January 7, 2009 12:00 am
Private answer

Be cautious your own family members are aiding each other in order to harm you.

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Answered on January 7, 2009 12:00 am