Dreaming of snakes

Question ID: 18931

Asalam-u-alikum, me and my sister are continuously seeing snakes in our dreams. I never had dreams about snakes but since last month, I am having dreams about them too. Last month, I had a dream and I saw that my family (including me) comes back from a trip to our home in Pakistan and we see that two black snakes are sitting on top of our cupboard. There is this one fully grown snake and the other one is a baby snake. They are sitting in such a manner that the bigger snake is protecting the baby snake. We are afraid of them but they didn’t attack us or bite us.

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Asked on September 8, 2014 3:22 pm
Private answer

You and your family have two enemies. One old and a younger one in the background. They are from your family members. They will not harm you. However, be careful.

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Answered on September 8, 2014 3:22 pm