Dreaming of seeing Nabi SAW but realising it was someone else

Question ID: 18792

Aslmalaikom, I have seen Nabi (saw) on three seperate occasions in dreams, the first time he was exactly as described in Shamaail Tirmeedhi, he was wearing brown clothes, sitting next to the grave of a prophet, I embraced him and complained regarding all my problems, he only smiled, I then noticed the size of the grave was larger than usual and asked him if that was a prophet and he nodded yes. The second time I was standing amongst the Sahaba and listening to to a sermon by Nabi (saw) but it was actually our local masjid imam. The third time, I together with others were searching for him and eventually found a young handsome Caucasian man in a strange place, it was a shopping mall. Please note, in the second and third dream I believed I was seeing Nabi (saw) it was only when I woke up that I realised it was someone elses face I have also dreamt of the Kabah, of Ulema telling me to visit and offering me money, I’d like to add, My family has always believed that we are of the family of Nabi (saw) although I did not whole heartedly accept it due to lack of evidence I’m mentioning this incase it might have some relation to the dreams . I have consulted Ulema reguarding this matter but I never recieved a comlete interpretation. Please forgive me for the length of my question, may Allah reward you abundantly. Aslmalaikom

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Asked on September 29, 2014 4:55 pm
Private answer

Shows that the Deen of Allah will spread widely. Shariat will be acted upon and Ulema will once again enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil.

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Answered on September 29, 2014 4:55 pm